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17. Hysteresis is the mechanism which requires a high threshold value to be exceeded before a handoff decision is made. The current channel continues to be used until it has degraded enough that other channels are significantly better for the mobile. In this way unnecessary and undesirable handoffs are avoided. Hysteresis could describe the process of crowning of a new boxing champion; the challenger (”the contendah”) must defeat the reigning champion soundly, not just barely, to be declared the new champ.

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Libre/Halaal Internet Services Provided At LibreCenter By Neda

Member of By* Federation Of Autonomous Libre Services

This web site has been created based exclusively on the use of Halaal Software and Halaal Internet Application Services. It is part of the By* Federation of Autonomous Libre Services which in turn are part of the Halaal/Libre By* Digitial Ecosystem which incorporate the following software components: