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You are here: Home content republished doc.public standards communication iso iso-233 Repub-fpf-iso-233-3.bib


@techreport{Repub-fpf-iso-233-3, author = {" ISO "}, title = {" Transliteration of Arabic characters into Latin characters Part 3: Persian language — Simplified transliteration ISO 233-3 "}, type = "Re-Published Content", number = {"fpf-iso-233-3"}, institution = "Autonomously Self-Published", month = {"January"}, year = "1998", note = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}", abstract = "The original publication point of this document is: group_public/download.../ISO+233-3-1999.pdf.", location = "/lcnt/lgpc/fpf/repub/standards/communication/iso/iso-233" }
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