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Patent Battles

<TITLE> <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <META name="GENERATOR" content="hevea 1.10"> </HEAD> <BODY > <!--HEVEA command line is: /usr/bin/hevea -o heveaHtml-memoEnFa/memoEnFa.html -I /lcnt/bxdpt/hevea/macros bx-fixups.hva bx-enfa.hva bx-faen.hva framed.hva memoEnFa.ttytex --> <!--CUT DEF section 1 --><!--TOC section Contents--> <H2 CLASS="section"><!--SEC ANCHOR -->Projects</H2><!--SEC END --><UL CLASS="TofC"><LI> <A HREF="#htoc1">1  Patent Battles – Defense Against Patent Assertions</A> <UL CLASS="TofC"><LI> <A HREF="#htoc2">1.1  The Harm of the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)</A> </LI></UL> </LI></UL><!--TOC section Patent Battles – Defense Against Patent Assertions--> <H2 CLASS="section"><!--SEC ANCHOR --><A NAME="htoc1">1</A>  Patent Battles – Defense Against Patent Assertions</H2><!--SEC END --><P>Key relevant documents for this project are:</P><BLOCKQUOTE CLASS="quote"> <B>FPF Position Statement July 31, 2001 – U.S. Patent # 6,219,694</B><BR> <A HREF=""></A> </BLOCKQUOTE><P><BR> </P><BLOCKQUOTE CLASS="quote"> <B>FPF Position Statement September 12, 2002 – U.S. Patent # 6,219,694</B><BR> <A HREF=""></A> </BLOCKQUOTE><!--TOC subsection The Harm of the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)--> <H3 CLASS="subsection"><!--SEC ANCHOR --><A NAME="htoc2">1.1</A>  The Harm of the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)</H3><!--SEC END --><P>The Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is a disaster waiting to happen. First, the WAP protocols are <A HREF="">booby-trapped with patents</A>. Patent infringement claims have already been made by the holders of the following two patents, and more claims can almost certainly be expected in the future:</P><UL CLASS="itemize"><LI CLASS="li-itemize"> U.S. Patent # 5,327,529 - <I>Geoworks, Berkeley, Calif.</I>. Process of designing user’s interfaces for application programs.<BR> Local Copies: <A HREF="">(PDF)</A> <A HREF="">(PS)</A> </LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize">U.S. Patent # 5,809,415 - <I>Unwired Planet, Inc., Redwood Shores, Calif.</I>. Method and architecture for an interactive two-way data communication network.<BR> Local Copies: <A HREF="">(PDF-Part 1)</A> <A HREF="">(PDF-Part 2)</A> <A HREF="">(PS-Part 1)</A> <A HREF="">(PS-Part 2)</A> </LI></UL><P>For additional information see FPF Project: <A HREF="">The WAP Trap</A>.</P><!--CUT END --> <!--HTMLFOOT--> <BR> <BR> <!--ENDHTML--> <!--FOOTER--> <HR SIZE=2><BLOCKQUOTE CLASS="quote"> <EM>This document was produced by </EM><A HREF=""><EM>ByStar Document Processing Toolset</EM></A><EM> which includes: XeLaTeX, XePersian, HaVeA and Plone3. </EM> </BLOCKQUOTE> </BODY> </HTML> </div> <div class="relatedItems"> </div> <div class="visualClear"><!-- --></div> <div class="documentActions"> <h5 class="hiddenStructure">Document Actions</h5> <ul> <li id="document-action-sendto"> <a href="" title="">Send this</a> </li> <li id="document-action-print"> <a href="javascript:this.print();" title="">Print this</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <span id="contentBottomLeft"></span> <span id="contentBottomRight"></span> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div class="visualClear" id="clear-space-before-footer"><!-- --></div> <div id="portal-footer"> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="" border="0" style="vertical-align: bottom; text-align: left;"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="vertical-align: top;"> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="width: 90px; text-align: left;"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="vertical-align: left; text-align: center;"> <a href="/images/Anti-copyright-220px.png"> <img src="/images/Anti-copyright-220px.png" width="60"></a> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> <td style="vertical-align: top;"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="width: 5px; text-align: left;"> </table> </td> <td style="vertical-align: top;"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="width: 100%; text-align: center;"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;"> <span> <p> This is a libre/halaal Poly-Existential intended to remain perpetually libre/halaal. 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